Färnebo folkhögskola
Färnebo folkhögskola

A meeting place for people who want to learn more about global issues, justice and change.
We believe in your commitment!

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Study with us

Färnebo Folkhögskola focus on peace, environmental and solidarity movement. We are a meeting place for people who want to learn more about global issues, justice and change. We have more than forty years of experience in public education and learning.
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Meaningful studies

Our courses share knowledge with the new generations of society and world citizens which organizes for a world where all the rights are respected.


Knowledge for the life

We believe in lifelong learning. Everyone is welcome regardless of background, experience and knowledge.

Active learning

You grow through meetings with others. Therefore, our teaching is participant-led and community based, participation and listening are important to us.

Global and local

Our courses take global and local perspectives on rights, solidarity and change.


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The general course at Färnebo Folkhögskola is given at our school in Gävle.

Choose from distance learning courses, full- or half-time courses, weekend courses and boarding courses.

På gång på Färnebo!

15 jan

Sista ansökningsdatum

Framtidslandet i norr

The country of the future in norr-green transition or new colonialism?

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7 jan



Intervjudag på allmän kurs inför VT25

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Opinions of our courses
